Friday, May 10, 2013

Agreement Reached Over PAYE Bill

The Bulls have reached agreement with the taxman over their outstanding tax bill.

A part payment towards the PAYE amount has been made according to a statement on the official site, with agreement to complete the payment by next Friday. David Keyte told the site:

"Whilst still falling a small distance short in terms of the amount of full adult season tickets sold, the payment to HMRC has been made thanks to the support of the fans who have turned out this week to purchase their season tickets."

"We have been extremely pleased with the response from the fans which has given us great encouragement."

"We still need supporters to continue to purchase their season tickets over the next week in order for us to be able to complete our obligations towards the PAYE bill, but I am sure that the fans will continue to respond in the way that they have done so far."

Sales continue on Saturday from 10am-2pm.