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Next game: Darlington At Edgar Street On Saturday March 8th at 3.00pm

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Prediction League 2024/25



The aim is very simple: Guess the score for each Hereford FC first-team game. 


Points for an exact score: 10

Points for correct result (win/loss/draw) with correct goal difference: 6

Points for correct result (win/loss/draw): 4

Points for correct number of HFC goals: 2

Points for incorrect prediction: -1

Points are only awarded being within one range e.g. predicting the correct score is 10 points, you do not get an extra 6 for correct goal difference, 4 for correct result and 2 for correct number of goals.

For cup games which go to penalties, the points are determined by the score at the end of extra time, or full time if extra time is not played.

Double points will be awarded for FA Cup and FA Trophy matches and the final league games of each month. The final game of the season will be triple points.

In the event of a double points match being postponed or abandoned after the previous match has been played then the rescheduled match will still carry double points.

The first match of the season will also be double points.

Herefordshire Football Association County Challenge Cup games will be half points.


Submitting an entry

One entry per username per email address (unless specifically stated that more than one person is using the same email address e.g. family members).

Usernames and predictions cannot be amended after the first submission. *See postponements/ abandoned matches.

Try to ensure that your entry is clear for which result you are predicting.

You may predict for more than one game at a time should you so wish.

Entries are to be submitted, by email, no later than one hour before the scheduled kick-off time.

Postponements / abandoned matches

Predictions for the rearranged match can be submitted as normal. If a new prediction is not submitted then the original prediction will be deemed valid.


In the event that the details of the submitted prediction are not clearly stated then interpretation is at the discretion of the the organiser.

An example being:

1-0: will assume a home win regardless of whether HFC are home or away.


League Positions will be decided by:

  1. Total points
  2. Least matches entered
  3. Alphabetical


Your email address and associated information will be processed by Bulls News only for specific purposes relating to the Prediction League. We will not share your data with any other organisation.

Your data will be retained for the duration of the 2023/24 season and one month thereafter. Should you feel that your information is being handled incorrectly, please email us.