Sunday, April 12, 2009

Leicester Supporters Enjoyed Their Day at Hereford

Reading through the Foxes Talk forum it appears that their supporters enjoyed their day in Hereford yesterday. And it wasn't only the result they were happy with.

Here's what one supporter thought:

Great day out, lovely City. The Barrels served some cracking beers and provided the sort of welcome that would make anyone go there again. The fans completely took over another pub near the ground where, again, it was all good natured fun and when I finally found a place to eat a steak in a City that's famous for its bulls it was well worth it.

And another:

The Barrels was a quality pub.

And another:

Good to meet you both today in the Barrells today, that was a great pub I couldnt stop drinking in there! I am feeling a bit rough now though but it was worth it. I lost my mobile phone celebrating our second goal but luckily someone had handed it in to a steward.

And another:

Just back. What an awesome day! Great pubs in a lovely town.

And another:

What a fantastic day. From start to finish. On arriving in Hereford the sun was out and we headed for the Chip shop, that we visited the last time we played Hereford, again it didn't fail to impress.

And another:

Thought Hereford was a lovely place, especially the pub on the corner (I think it was called herdings?)

And another:

I was in there for a couple before the game, nice little pub, even the police that came through had a smile on their faces.

And another:

Just want to add what a fantastic location for a football ground, the sun certainly helped but it was a great day.

And another:

Best away day this season for me Got to Hereford at 2, a pint in the pub just across the car park from the ground and got talking to a Hereford supporter.Arranged to meet outside the ground after to go up to the Barells for a couple.This to me is what football is all about.

And just one more:

Absolutely brilliant day. Great fun on the curved terrace. One of the guys next to us having a tin of cider confiscated only for it to be given back to him at the end of the game. We started a "Freedom for Strongbow!" chant at the time.
Like pretty much every away day I've managed to make it to this year, I've had a fantastic time. Think I'm gonna miss going to grounds like Edgar Street if we get promoted.

And two observations about Hereford's finest:

Policing - has anyone got a bad word for them yesterday? Seemed to me that they couldn't be friendlier and more helpful.

Anyone else see the two female coppers near the burger van in the carpark after the game, they can search me anytime they want!!!