Some supporters of Hereford United aren't over keen on the catering at Edgar Street. But they may think there are worse places to eat after an inspection at Ninian Park revealed evidence of mice in the kitchens.
This from the Western Mail:
CARDIFF City Football Club was “shown the yellow card” by food hygiene officials earlier this year after health inspectors found evidence of mice in its kitchens
Public health inspectors found mouse dropping and nesting materials and described kitchen cleanliness as “generally poor”.
The discovery was one of a catalogue of hygiene breaches unearthed in an inspection which took place in March but which has only now been made public.
A further inspection which took place in April said progress had been made in sorting out the problem but added there were still “outstanding issues”.
The inspectors reported:
Two-month-old mouse droppings and nesting materials in the storeroom for the club kitchen and mouse droppings in the Grange End kiosk;
another kiosk, The Wedge, had a dirty display cabinet and floor;
the floor of the club kitchen was dirty, particularly below the cooker and other equipment;
the standard of cleaning to the club’s international kitchen, including work surfaces, cooker top, floor and shelving was “generally poor”;
no hot water or soap was available in the club kitchen to wash hands when preparing food;
ceilings and walls were peeling.
Cardiff council food safety officer Patrick Horan said in his report: “Your pest control indicates that there was mouse activity in the club kitchen storeroom in January 2008.
“During the inspection I found evidence that mice had been active in the storeroom, in the form of droppings and nesting materials.
In general Mr Horan said he was “disappointed with the standard of food safety” and added: “I strongly recommend that you seek the services of a food safety management system for the catering operations carried out at this business.”
Text at top (next game etc)
Next Game: Spennymoor at Edgar Street On Saturday February 8th Kick Off 3.00pm