From "Duncan Biscuit" on the Conference Forum
Last December the eldest Little Biscuit, my daughter Caiti, who's 10, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer called B-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Apparantly about 8 kids a year get this form of cancer, and those that do are usually teenage boys. The treatment that Caiti is undergoing is the same as that which is given to sufferers of Leukaemia. The treatment is a two year of chemotherapy - in all its awfulness. There is no alternative, unless we want our little girl to die. On the up side, Caiti's been given an excellent prognosis and is undergoing the chemotherapy and all its awful side effects far better than I could have done.
The reason for this post and thread is that on 11 May, the Biscuit family is taking part in the Woking Bikeathon, which is in aid of Leukaemia Research. Without these people, and other cancer charities, collecting money for research into these hideous diseases; children like Caiti would have no chance. We owe them a lot.
Consequently, I'm looking for sponsorship for the bike ride. I've set a target of £1000 to raise, and I'd be grateful to any on here who'd like to donate. I've set up a donation page on the Leukaemia Research Fund website, which is http://www.justgiving.com/alanduffy1
All donations will be gratefully received.
I've referred to Caiti's illness as a runaway train, which hit us. Trust me, something like this alters your life completely. It has rather stuffed up our family life and will do so for at least two years.
Can I take this opportunity to thank those of you who will contribute.
Thank You
Duncan Biscuit
UPDATE Sunday: We hit our original target, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of all those people that have been kind enough to donate. We're going to try and hit a new target. Thank you all.