Saturday, June 29, 2024

This is when new floodlights could be up and running at Edgar Street

The old floodlights at Edgar Street will soon be a thing of the past. Picture: Google
The saga of Hereford's new floodlights could be nearing an end as the new LED poles are set to be delivered within the next two months.

The club is currently going through the planning process with Herefordshire Council to get permission to dismantle the towers and erect the new floodlights, for which grant funding has been given.

As part of that process, and as reported by Bulls News, the club are having to satisfy road chiefs that there won't be any major impacts on the A49, Blackfriars Street or the Merton Meadow car park.

In the latest letter, stadium director Darren Ball - who is leading the process for the club - told National Highways the new lights would be delivered via the Blackfriars End and erected within the stadium.

At last night's fans' forum, chairman Chris Ammonds said they were hopeful it would all be sorted within the next three or four months, with Ball saying the new lights should be delivered by the end of August.

"To be fair, I know Bulls News have put those stories on but I think they [Herefordshire Council and National Highways] are just asking the questions they should ask in reality.

"To me, it seems madness you're asking to put up small pylons with better lights, much more environmentally friendly lights, but you're getting asked a load of questions about it - we've been asked about flood risk.

"But it's all part of the planning process sadly and I'm sure the council has had to do all the same documentation to knock it [the Blackfriars End] down as we're having to fill out for the planning application."

Ammonds said there shouldn't be too much other than planning, delivery and building to hold up the project.