Friday, September 15, 2023

Not The Time To Bring A Striker In Said Caddis

Hereford manager Paul Caddis has said that it's not the time to bring in a striker on loan even if he could find one.

"We've been trying to get forward players in," Caddis told BBC Hereford and Worcester.

"The timing hasn't been great.

"We have a FA Cup game tomorrow, then we've got a League game, then if we get through tomorrow we've got another one in two weeks time.

"So trying to loan a player would be financially naive.

"There would be no point, we've tried to loan three or four players, we managed to get to the agreement stage but we would have to pay their wages next week although they couldn't play in the Cup."

Caddis added that although they could play against Bishops Stortford in the League, they couldn't play the following week in the Cup.

"It would be financially naive to do that."