Friday, September 01, 2023

Bowen To Continue Looking After Edgar Street Pitch


Ben Bowen is to continue looking after Edgar Street despite leaving Highground Maintenance.

Earlier this afternoon he tweeted:

'Well after 16 years at highground manintenance today was my last day working for them, highgrounds has been a massive part of my life some of the best memories and best times into my next venture to be continued thank you so much everyone.'

Since his tweet it has been confirmed that Ben will continue to look after the pitch.

"Ben Bowen, who has been groundsman since day one here and does an absolutely fantastic job is moving away from Highground Maintenance," said general manager Jamie Griffiths.

"They have been the company with whom we've had a fantastic relationship.

"Ben is staying on as he is going on his own, as his own business. So we're sticking with Ben.

"I would like to thank Highground and Mike at Highground because they really supported us over the years and they are going to continue to support us and Ben moving forward.

"I know Ben's last day is today with Highground."