Saturday, May 30, 2020

Latest FREE Talking Bull - Issue 122 - OUT NOW!

During this difficult period of lockdown we’re delighted to be publishing online editions of Talking Bull, the Independent Hereford Football Club Supporters’ Magazine.
Here is another brand new edition – Issue 122.
This 42-page issue is packed with content, is completely free, and can be viewed immediately via a host of online and social media platforms.
As ever, stay safe and our offer remains open. Keep contributing and we’ll keep producing. Talking Bull might be the first British club fanzine to produce in June.
We haven’t charged for our 4 online publications (to date). However, if you’d like to recognise the time and resource invested into TB, donations are very welcome via this link 
The Blue and White ‘zine claims Chester supporters donate lots of lucre to support their online edition.
Surely Hereford fans can do better? All donations will directly help our club.