Wednesday, May 13, 2020

HUST Concerned About Possible Inception Of Document

HUST have released details of what they are describing as a interception of a document details of which have been passed to an HFC director.

They say this may have been done in an attempt to discredit the integrity of individual HUST Board members, particularly Nominated Directors.

'The serving HFC Director has been asked to disclose from where it was obtained.

Here's the full ststement from HUST.

HUST Document  
A private, draft HUST document appears to have been intercepted and may have been augmented, printed and passed to a serving HFC Director. We believe that this may have been done in an attempt to discredit the integrity of individual HUST Board members, particularly Nominated Directors.
Chair, Joanie Roberts, instigated an immediate lock-down of all HUST electronic  protocols. Three actions were taken over a two week period:
  1. The Membership database is now held on another secure site and all references and information held by the previous Independent Secretary requested to be deleted securely, following the handover period, as per the HUST Constitution requirements & Data Protection legislation. 
  2. The Board has been conscious that the current website is old, out of date and not very user friendly.  Following the electronic lock-down of HUST protocols there have been immediate changes of all current access to the existing website and to expedite a new website, which has been pending. We are pleased to advise we will be launching this in the very near future.  
  3.  HUST Directors allocated new encrypted Email addresses 
After a full review of our electronic systems and protocol taking valuable time and effort, the HUST Board are confident that this interference was propagated externally.

The serving HFC Director has been asked to disclose from where it was obtained.
 HUST has written to The Chairman of HFC to apprise him of the situation and has received an acknowledgement by return.  Joanie Roberts is in consultation with Andrew Graham and is confident to draw a conclusion to this situation. 

We are monitoring daily and can reassure you that our database and electronic protocols are secure.