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Friday, March 09, 2018

Beadle Hopes Hereford Won't Have An Off Day

Hereford manager Pete Beadle has reminded fans that despite being ten points clear at the top of the table, it's still not over.

Hereford face second-placed King's Lynn at Edgar Street tomorrow, but Beadle insists that Hereford's consistency makes them hard to beat.

"Whatever happens on Saturday, win, lose or draw, it's not over," Beadle told BBC H&W's Keith Hall.

"As you've seen in the league this year, everybody can beat everybody. We've been extremely consistent, we want to try and maintain that and if we continue this it's going to be really hard to beat us.

"Teams have off days sometimes but we're hoping we don't have that. It's not done and dusted, people might look at it like that but it's not. We certainly don't think like that and we want to go Saturday and perform like we did at Gosport."

In January, King's Lynn ended Hereford's impressive 53 away league game unbeaten run with a 3-2 victory at The Walks. According to Beadle, this was the wakeup call the Whites needed and since then have surged to the top of the table with seven consecutive wins.

"They [the players] were disappointed to lose the game, especially when we were two-up at half time and it could've been three or four."

"Even when they [King's Lynn] got their goal so quickly we had opportunities with Keyon [Reffell] and Lance [Smith] to score goals and extend the lead even further.

"It was perfect timing - it gave us the kick up the backside we probably needed and since then you've seen us be a little bit different. Sometimes it's the best thing that can happen to you."