Wednesday, April 05, 2017

AUCTION: Limited Edition Talking Bull Posters - BID NOW!


Great interest has been shown in the last two front covers of Talking Bull, the Independent Hereford Football Club Fanzine.

So much so these have now been specially printed as glossy A3 and A4 full-colour posters and supporters have a chance to win one of just 5 copies of these limited edition prints.

The covers celebrate 'The Magnificent Bulls' as the club lifted the Southern League South & West captained by skipper Joel Edwards, whilst 'The Hereford Beast' cover highlights striker Mike Symons alongside Pablo Haysham, John Mills and Peter Beadle.

All profits made by Talking Bull are split 50/50 between HUST and Hereford Football Club, but 50% of profits from these auctions will be donated to the Jamie Cuss "Just Giving" appeal.

CLICK on any of the E-Bay links below. The auctions will last for 10 days: