Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Jamie Cuss Knee Appeal

Jamie Cuss
Last week it was revealed that Hereford FC's Jamie Cuss needed £10,000 for a knee operation.

A Just Giving page was opened and the amount raised to date is over £4300.

All clubs should have some sort of insurance to help cover injuries suffered by footballers but it appears that the cover can be very limited.

Last year the Guardian revealed that the insurance suggested by the FA 'was not worth the paper it was written on'.

In 2013 the FA launched its National Game Insurance Scheme (NGIS) which made insurance cover mandatory for all 11-a-side teams in England. However some players have expressed concern that they may only receive £30 in temporary disablement benefits when unable to work through injury. This particularily affects the self-employed.

The Guardian reported that Bluefin Sport is the FA’s preferred broker for the NGIS, which covers more than 14,000 adult teams, thousands more youth sides and about 200,000 players. The standard team insurance package provided by Bluefin – Superior 30 – pays out £30 a week for up to 104 weeks to compensate for an individual’s lost earnings. The policy – which costs £76 per year for every team – provides a one-off payment of £150 for a broken bone or dislocation but no physiotherapy, unless a club pays an additional premium.

It is not known whether Hereford FC have the level of cover described above or a somewhat better  policy.

In August 2015 Woking supporters raised £15,000 for striker Scott Rendell as the club's insurance didn't provide enough cover.

“We are paying £420 per annum as a club and every club will be paying the same unless they want extra cover," said Woking director Geoff Chapple

"We’re a part-time club but we class our players as professionals, we thought it [the cover] would have been better,” Chapple said. “For me, this one isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. It’s probably down to us to go searching for a better policy.”

To help Jamie Cuss please go to: