Friday, December 16, 2016

'Best' Person Available Should Be Chairman Said Kinnersley

On Wednesday evening it was announced that Ken Kinnersley would become a director of Hereford FC at the start of January.

On January 3rd a board meeting of Hereford FC is set to take place at which it will be decided who is to be the club's new chairman to replace Jon Hale who recently resigned.

Back in January 2015, Kinnersley spelt out his view of what was required to make a good chairman.

'From my experiences of starting a membership organisation from scratch with zero finance, promulgating a constitution, setting up administrative systems and being on the board of (in total) four (small) companies then, in my view, the abilities required to be a successful and effective Chairman should not be underestimated.

'In any organisation the decisions made at board level are invariably difficult, if not taxing, and the directors, even with the same objectives in mind, will, on occasions, have differing opinions on how the desired outcome is achieved.

'Within an incorporated company it is usual for the Chairman to be elected from, and by, the directors who comprise the board. In a new company it is often the case that the directors involved have worked together in forming the company thus are aware of individuals strengths.

'The Chairman is key in enabling the board to reach the “right” decisions for the good of the company and, equally importantly, maintaining board harmony. This requires someone who is not only erudite but also possessed of many and varied skills, including; a logical mind, diplomacy, brevity, “political” awareness, honesty, negotiating skills, good man management and the ability to speak in public.

'Now, clearly, within a limited number of people, it may not be possible to identify someone that is possessed of all the desirable attributes, thus compromise is, as always, the key. However, the overall objective must be for the “best” person available to be appointed as Chair.'