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Thursday, January 07, 2016

Ken Kinnersley Appointed CEO Of Hereford FC

This from Hereford FC:

Ken Kinnersley
Hereford FC is delighted to announce the appointment of Ken Kinnersley as Chief Executive Officer at Edgar Street.
The appointment sees Ken formally take on the role that he has effectively been doing on a voluntary basis as non executive Operations Director since May 2015.
Ken had been a daily presence at the club prior to that too, as he had been co-ordinating Hereford FC’s volunteer workforce as well as lending a hand selling season tickets and merchandise when the doors of Edgar Street were first opened to supporters.
Speaking about this appointment, Hereford FC Chairman, Jon Hale, said:
‘As a board we have been discussing our business model and staffing structure for the last few months and it was clear that what we had in place simply did not fit with the size of the business Hereford FC is becoming.
‘An incredible amount goes on at Edgar Street behind the scenes every day to ensure we all have football matches to enjoy and we have been told that the office is often as busy now as it was when Edgar Street was hosting League One football.
‘With that being the case, we feel it is only right to bolster the permanent staff we have in the office to ensure we are looking after the welfare of those already in place, and also the welfare of the club too.
‘Ken has been a key figure in the Hereford FC so far. He has been at the club almost every day on a voluntary basis since the very start and has managed the work programme around the stadium which has seen us achieve a safety certificate and make a number of improvements.
‘We are delighted that Ken has accepted the role we have offered him and, although we did speak to other people about this role, we have no doubt he is the right man for the job.
‘Ken’s appointment to a paid role means he will no longer be a non executive Director.
‘However, as he is now responsible for overseeing the day-to-day running of the business, he will be directly accountable to the Board in terms of implementing the operational strategy the Directors map out.
‘With Ken, Commercial Manager, Chris Ammonds, and Media & Administration Officer, Jamie Griffiths, working as our team in the office, I am confident we have exactly the right people behind the scenes to move this club forward.
‘I cannot thank all three of them enough for the huge amount of work they have done on behalf of us all so far – they have worked in areas way beyond their specific job descriptions and for many hours beyond those that they are contracted to do.’
Reflecting on his new role, Ken Kinnersley said:
‘I am very proud to have been offered this role and can assure Bulls supporters that my energies will be directed to ensuring we have a successful club we can all be proud to support.
‘The club has already been on an incredible journey and it has been an honour to be involved working alongside Chris and Jamie in the office, the Board of Directors and the fantastic band of volunteers we are privileged to have here.
‘Unless you spend time here you would not believe quite how much work needs to be done to run this club off the field and manage the stadium itself, whether on a matchday or a normal weekday.
‘The fantastic support we have received is a huge positive, but it does mean that the business model originally put in place was simply not suitable for the size of the business this now is.
‘The paid role I have accepted means that, alongside Chris and Jamie, I now have overall responsibility for the day-to-day running of the club, while the Directors will focus their time on the club’s short and longer-term strategies to ensure Hereford FC’s targets are clear.
‘I’d personally like to thank the Board for offering me this opportunity, but I’d also like to thank every single person who has played any part in helping Hereford FC achieve so much in such a short period of time.
‘We all have a huge amount to be proud of, but now it’s vital we ensure the club can thrive long in to the future too.’