Sunday, November 08, 2015

Hereford Forever, United We Love You

The Album Cover

With the release date of the new recording of the Hereford FC Anthem getting closer, producer Frank Williams has given BN an update.

"Now that the recording of  “Hereford Forever, United We Love You” is complete we can release a few details.

The Album is been replicated in France and we are confident that they will be available for release at The Home FA Vase match on 21st November.

The CDs will be on sale from the Club Shop and a sales area outside Addisons.

There will also be a sales area in The Executive Lounge. We may be able to sell in Radfords as well, provided we can find sellers.

The Album contains seven Tracks, The New Version and an instrumental version of the same, plus the five Hereford United versions: 2013 (King Mantis), 2006, 1979 and 1972. The first time that  ALL versions are available together.

The Album is priced at £8. Two copies for £15 and three copies for £20. They will make great Christmas presents.

Andrew Marc
The new version will be broadcast on Radio Hereford FC at half-time and hopefully an ‘on-pitch’ performance by Andrew Marc (Boucher) at half-time as well. More details will appear on the official site next week and in the Stourport Programme on Tuesday."