Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Volunteers Bulletin No.9

Hereford FC

Volunteers Bulletin No 9 

From: Ken Kinnersley Operations Director   1 Jun 2015

Dear Volunteer,

Part 1 – Match Day Volunteering with Hereford FC

      Part 2 - Work and Painting Sat 6 and Sun 7 June 2015

Part 1

In the near future, hopefully before the weekend, our information document the “Volunteers Arrangement” and the “Hereford FC - Volunteers Handbook” will be available to view and download from the Hereford FC website.

The handbook serves two purposes, firstly to inform those interested in applying to join us in any voluntary (unpaid) role what you can expect from Hereford FC and, also, what we will expect from you as a volunteer. Secondly, if you apply to Volunteer and are accepted and subsequently confirmed then it will serve as an aide memoir in the future.

  Volunteers will be required to fill various match day roles such as  as stewards, turnstile operators, programme sellers, ticket sellers, admin support, handy DIY type person(s), hospitality hosts, and those who are just willing to fetch and carry, move furniture as required, run errands … really, just a Man or Woman Friday. So, do please get in touch at volunteers@herefordfc.co.uk if you feel you fit the bill! The more volunteers we have then we will be able to organise a rota system so not everybody is working every week.

Already many of you have volunteered for specific match day roles, stewards, programme sellers, turnstile operators and many others who have just put their names forward as committed volunteers with no specific role in mind, or at least not stipulated a role. All are equally important to our future as a football club. We are now at a point where we need to start moving forward and to do that we need to talk!

1st Match Day Team Meeting

This will be held at the club at 7-30pm on Thursday 11 June, and therefore, this is an invitation to all who have volunteered as stewards, turnstile operators, programme sellers or just registered as committed volunteers to be at the club by 7-15pm. This is a vitally important meeting and we urge everyone to attend and contribute. It is not an exaggeration to say that the success of Hereford FC rests on your self discipline and commitment to support what we are trying to achieve.  There is very little time before the first match and we need to bring some semblance of order and understanding, for all of us, as to how we will operate in the future.

We ask everyone to come to the meeting with an open mind and willing to embrace change – if change is necessary. We want to consult not dictate and therefore your involvement and participation will be vital to any success we may enjoy.

The format of the meeting will be


Outline of the objective of the meeting

Distribution of Hereford FC Volunteers application forms for completion by those present (so please bring a pen or there will be a queue)

De-brief with each team on previous match day procedures

Review of the procedures with a view to improvement (suggestions welcome)

Outline of plans and dates for a programme of match day practises.


… or something along those lines!

There is no requirement to notify your availability / attendance at the meeting  – if you haven't arrived by 7-30 pm it will be assumed that you are not going to attend. This meeting is regarded as important as a match day.

Part 2 - Work and Painting – 6 and 7 Jun 15

As many will be aware, following herculean efforts by a small group of our volunteers over the past few weeks we have almost completed the initial clear up of the stadium. What an incredible difference your efforts have made. Thank you very much indeed!

Having now seen the level of expenditure that Hereford FC will have to make in order to reach the standards required for the Ground Safety Certificate, hopefully, other fans will now start to realise the true economic value of our volunteers time. You can be assured that everyone at Hereford FC realises what has been achieved and the value of your personal contribution. It is not under estimated.  

However, as you well know we are not finished yet. We have just a few “moving” jobs to complete but that should only take an hour then we will be in a position to concentrate on preparing barriers, doors, boards and anything else we can improve with a lick of paint.

Hopefully, the weather will be a bit warmer by the weekend which will enable us to work both inside and outside.

At the present time, although nothing confirmed yet, we are hoping to be able to secure some black and white gloss paint as well as emery / sand paper for preparation as well as brushes. The brush cleaning solvent may prove a little more difficult so please bring your own if at all possible.

So, just to be on the safe side would as many of you as are willing and able please  join us at Edgar Street on Saturday and /or Sunday next (6/7 June) sign on time both days at Radfords is 0925 for a 0930 start. We have brought the time forward because we know how keen you all are to get started.

As we are unsure just how much paint etc we may be able to secure it would be helpful if you could bring as much of your own painting related equipment as you are willing to donate / use but more importantly bring something into which we can decant paint from a larger container just incase the promise materialises! 

This would include any black and / or white gloss for wood and metal you may have; sandpaper / rubbing down thingamajigs / emery paper / wire brushes both manual and electric with extension leads, solvent, rags for cleaning and also dusts sheets or the like to protect areas from drips and splashes. Plus anything that may be useful for you!

If you are able to join us please just hit the reply button and for Saturday enter in the subject heading “Yes - Day 1” for Sunday enter “Yes – Day 2” better still if you can be with us both days then it's “Yes – Both Days”. You know the drill by now.

As before, we will not confirm your attendance – please turn up unless you hear to the contrary.

Anyone who can't make the weekend but would like to assist during weekdays with preparation and painting please drop an email setting out the days you would like to work and we will see if we can organise weekday work groups as well. The only consideration is that contractors will also be at the stadium so we need to avoid having “too many cooks!” 

You are the people really making this football club happen so as we clamber over the top of the mountain we will all be able to see the fantastic view there is to be had of the other side … and it will all be downhill from there! This is the push to get us to the summit …. don't miss out and regret it later!