Friday, March 06, 2015

‘Huge Amount Going On In The Background’ – Jon Hale

This from Hereford FC:

Hereford FC Chairman Jon Hale has today spoken to the club’s official website and given an update on a number of things that are going on at the present time.

Much of the work being undertaken is to lay the foundations for the day Hereford FC get handed the keys to Edgar Street by Herefordshire Council and therefore, as Hale acknowledged, there is currently a void in terms of genuinely exciting information to share with supporters.

‘There is a huge amount of work going on in the background at the moment, but, if I’m honest, most of it is unglamorous and fairly dull!

‘We continue to go through the legal processes required to complete the deal for the lease, while electrical survey work is also being carried out at Edgar Street so we have an idea of what immediate work needs to be done when the lease is formally signed.

‘We have until the end of the month to get completed documentation to the Football Association and although the legal aspect of lease deals like this one do take time, we expect to get everything sorted well before the deadline as everyone is aware of the timescales we are working to.’

Having discussed the current position with the lease, Hale then went on to talk about the applications for the role as Hereford FC’s first ever manager and final amendments to the club’s badge.

‘We have had 42 applications for the manager’s job and are pleased with the interest we have seen.

‘Our Football Director Martin Watson is now going to lead a sub-group going through the applicants and will put together a shortlist during the course of next week. Once a shortlist has been drawn up, interviews will then take place soon after that.

‘Finally, a major point of recent discussion has been the new club badge that has been designed by Huw Marriott.

‘Huw and his boys have done a fantastic job on the badge, but there was an embroidery related issue with having the scroll within the shield. Rather than having two badges in circulation, we have decided to go with the amended badge with the scroll underneath.

‘In addition, a significant number of supporters have stated they did not feel that ‘2015’ was necessary within the shield as they want Hereford FC to very much feel like a continuation of the old club, and not a completely new one.

‘Having talked to HUST and, importantly, to Mr Marriott, a decision has been taken to remove ‘2015’ from the badge as we felt the point raised by many supporters was a very pertinent one.

‘Mr Marriott will now make the final amendments to the winning badge and we will share it on this website as soon as it becomes available.

‘We really hope that the wider fanbase support these two amendments to the badge – we do not want to look like we’ve gone against the decision of the HUST membership in the vote, but feel the changes are worth making for the long-term and that we now really do have a fantastic badge to be proud of as we start our footballing journey as Hereford FC.’