Faced with injury and illness in his squad, Hereford United manager Martin Foyle has told BBC Hereford and Worcester that he is still looking to strengthen his team.
"It's a case of wheeling and dealing and trying to find somebody that's going to do me a favour," said Foyle.
"There's no chance for this weekend.
"We've got two weeks before the dead-line.
"We need something in but I've got to try to get it for next to nothing."
Meanwhile Foyle feels his squad will enjoy playing in front of a circa 7,000 gate at Luton.
"You couldn't ask for a better game.
"John Still's first game.
"It's going to be a tight game but if you don't realish playing there you shouldn't be playing football."
Meanwhile Foyle feels his squad will enjoy playing in front of a circa 7,000 gate at Luton.
"You couldn't ask for a better game.
"John Still's first game.
"It's going to be a tight game but if you don't realish playing there you shouldn't be playing football."