Hereford United are reported to have offered Ants Hancock a trial at Edgar Street.
20 year old Hancock, a striker from South Canterbury United in New Zealand, was spotted by a former coach who had come to watch another player in his team.
He is to join the Bulls in December.
"I was really rapt, I can't wait but don't know too much more except they said to get an open air ticket," said Hancock when told of the offer.
Hancock, who has played 'the beautiful game' since he was five, said he would love to play fulltime and would certainly be giving it his best shot.
He will play his last game in the current NZ season on Saturday but will continue to train.
"I've had plenty of offers from people who will train with me, so that's cool."
South Canterbury United coach Pat Collins said he was delighted for Ants.
"He's had a few injuries this season but he's certainly our best player. Ants works hard at his game and deserves the opportunity."
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Rushall Away On Tuesday March 11th at 7.45pm