Monday, January 06, 2025

Floodlights: Everything That Could Have Gone Wrong, Has Done Said Ammonds


It's probably fair to say that the floodlights at Edgar Street have caused the club more problems than any other issue this season to date.

Firstly the new floodlights are still not installed and secondly the current ones have shown their age with one of the sets of lights failing towards the end of the game before Christmas.

Chairman Chris Ammonds has updated supporters in his latest 'chat'.

"It feels like everything that could have gone wrong in relation to floodlights have gone wrong in the last four or five months.

"It's incredibly frustrating and I completely understand why supporters are asking questions about it all the time because we are internally as a club as well.

"We continued to work on the whole floodlight issue over the Christmas period.

"It's not been easy because understandably buisnesses close down over Christmas so we haven't been able to progress things greatly.

"But we have had two meetings over Christmas where we think we are hopefully coming to a resolution in terms of what's going to happen with the installation of the new floodlights, we've just go to wait for some information and some more details to be put together.

"So we are hopeful that's going to start to move forward in terms of us being able to update supporters of what the plan is for getting those sorted.

"That will be a weight off everybody's mind  once we know exactly what the plan is with those new floodlights.

"And then we've had the issue with the floodlight that decided it didn't want to be a floodlight any more towards the end of the Scarborough game.

"And I know you've (Jamie Griffiths) been in detailed conversation with the contractor over the Christmas.

"We're pretty hopeful we can repair that floodlight, short term repair, but actually it's something that will need doing for the new floodlights anyway, the work that required.

"So from that point of view we've got to go ahead and get it done.

"We are hopeful that we should be able to restore the fourth pylon, the lights on the fourth pylon fairly quickly. 

"It probably won't be in time for this weekend so we've already taken the decision and agreed with Warrington that the game this weekend will kick-off at 1pm. We apologise for any inconvenience that causes but it's unavoidable because, again, getting the repairs, the electrical contractor is only back in work this week and therefore the repairs aren't going to be carried out in time to be able to test them ahead of Saturday's fixture.

"We are hopeful that this will be the only game that has to be a 1pm kick-off between now and the end of the season." 

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