Friday, August 23, 2024

Rowe Co-opted Onto HUST Board

Matty Rowe
Matthew Rowe - HUST Picture

This from HUST:

We are pleased to advise that Matthew Rowe has been co-opted to the HUST board and attended his first meeting this week. 

Matty is originally from Hereford and currently lives in Worcester. His first Hereford United game was vs York City in the FA Cup 1st Round 1999, and he has been hooked ever since!

Keen to assist fans, Matty has previously been involved in fan-led campaigns such as 'Bring Back United' and the Ronnie Radford tribute vs Portsmouth, which included  the Meadow End-wide Radford banner and raising a four-figure donation to a charity of the Radford family's choice.

Away from watching Hereford he is a Commercial Analyst, previously working for the likes of IBM.

Matty strongly supports the aims of HUST and is looking forward to connecting with all Bulls fans and Trust members.