Saturday, June 01, 2024

New floodlights at Edgar Street could still be 18 months away

The phone masts on the Blackfriars End floodlights must be removed. Picture: John Lord/Flickr
The days are numbered for Edgar Street's iconic 30-metre-high floodlights - but work to replace them could still be 18 months away.

Not only are the floodlights old, inefficient and flick on and off during matches, the Blackfriars End redevelopment project in which the council hopes to build a new stand, student accommodation and shops, means the towers must be removed.

If Herefordshire Council grants planning permission, the iconic towers that stand tall in each corner of the ground will eventually be replaced with modern LED alternatives.

While stadium director Darren Ball has submitted plans to replace the nine-light towers with 21-metre-high four-light poles, and consultants said this could cut operating costs by around 50 per cent, there is another hurdle to clear.


As the Blackfriars Street pylons - which have been in situ since 1968 - have mobile phone masts on them, these need to be removed first.

To do so, landowner Herefordshire Council must give the operators 18 months' notice.

In a report signed off by strategic assets delivery director Sarah Jowett, the council will "serve notice to quit to telecommunication providers whose cells are located on the southern floodlight towers at Hereford FC, Edgar Street".

In essence, this means the council wants the masts gone.

Under the Electronic Communications Code, an 18-month statutory notice period must be given and discussions will be held to try and find suitable alternative locations. However, Ms Jowett's report said these talks can only start once the notice period does.

Legal firm Anderson Strathern said an operator can serve a counter notice to continue the agreement, and if the parties do not agree the operator can then apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order.

Demolition of the stand, old United in the Community office and closed public toilets is expected to start within the next two weeks, with the floodlights staying put for now.