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Next Game: Kings Lynn At Edgar Street On Saturday 21 September at 3.00pm

Monday, April 15, 2024

We Can't Get In A Financial Battle For Players Said Caddis

Hereford manager Paul Caddis may have been given an increased budget for next season but he accepts he might lose players from the current squad he would like to keep.

"There will be players here that supporters will hope stay but probably won't because we're up against it in terms of competing with people.

"But we're trying our very hardest.

"We're speaking to people at Birmingham, Villa and West Brom to try and get a heads up on players who are coming out.

"We want to try and recruit as we can because we can't get into a financial battle. That's us being brutally honest.

"We're delighted to get Skinner sorted and we'll speak to a few more."