Saturday, April 20, 2024

Ammonds Welcomes Long Lease For Edgar Street

Hereford FC Chairman Chris Ammonds has welcomed the news that Herefordshire Council have agreed to extend the lease on Edgar Street until 2070.

Earlier this afternoon he spoke to BBC Hereford and Worcester.

"It's a brilliant day for us to announce that we've negotiated a lease extension for Edgar Street which will take us through until 2070, another 40 years on top of the 5 years left on the current lease.

"In the first instance it's the security of tenure, we now know this is our home now until 2070.

"There were no real issues but the lease was running down so we needed to get something sorted.

"In terms of grant funding to try and improve the facilities here and the spectator experience we aren't going to be able to fund that off our own back so we've got to look at options of available funding may be from the Football Foundation.

"And with a lease that's beyond twenty years you have that ability to do that because they can see they are investing in something with long gevity

"So it's brilliant for us, we can look ahead after this season with some real thoughts about what we want to do.

"It's a beautiful old  ground as everybody knows but it comes with its issues, its challenges because of its age.

"So if we can start to really put more love and more time with a bit of ground funding that would be brilliant."

The Blackfriars End.

"There are two phases to this.

"The first phase was getting the lease sorted on the three sides of the ground that we currently have use of. Obviously it's been well reported that the Blackfriars End is to be demolished this summer and then there are plans beginning to be put together about might happen at that end afterwards.

"Phase one is the demolition, completing the work to bring that down and phase two will be the work to start doing what might spring up at that end. The Council have committed to with us to look at what spectator facility to have at that end to bring Edgar Street back to being four sides."

Ammonds spoke about his experience with the Council.

"I have to say from the very first conversations that I had with the Council three months after I took over (last April) it's all been really positive. Their drive was we want to get this sorted.

"The way the club has been in recent times, there has been a bit of a wobble but I think we are on a stable footing again now and I think the Council can see that.

"It's a massive boost for the City and the County, I get to meet people from local businesses saying it's makes such a difference when the crowds are bigger and the buzz that's created, we get more people coming in.

"I had a publican saying to me it's brilliant, we took more money last Saturday than we did on Christmas Friday. It shows the levels of impact the football club can have.

"That's great for us because we want to be an asset and we need to keep on proving that."

Some grounds have moved out of town.

"I know there were talks a long time ago about moving the stadium but that's not on the agenda currently given this extended lease we've now got.

"I think you have to acknowledge that the football puts the city on the map."