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Next Game: Kings Lynn At Edgar Street On Saturday 21 September at 3.00pm

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Let's Have A Full House On Monday Said Ammonds

Hereford chairman Chris Ammonds is hoping for a big gate when Hereford play Gloucester on New Years Day especially following the game at Gloucester yesterday which the Bulls won 3-2.

Ammonds watched the game from behind the goal and afterwards he spoke to BN.

"Unbelievable, I don't quite know how you talk about that.

"Unbelievable second half.

"The second half on Saturday was dramatic, I think we've gone another step forward today.

"There wasn't a lot in the game first half. It was a bit kind of nip and tuck local derbyish.

"Their big lad up front, Wright, caused problems all afternoon but he's made a career of that.

"We get a goal, go ahead and you think that will settle us down and then we kind of give them a gift.

"I've no idea what happened at the end. I was behind the goal with the fans and I couldn't see a thing to be honest.

"I saw the net bulge three times, I think four times, I think there was one disallowed in amongst it.

"Character, heart, determination, a real drive and again we weren't settling for a point.

"You could see at 2-2 their goalie slowed it down even more than he had before hand and then away we go.

"Brilliant, great day, great travelling support, fanastic again. Just another brilliant day."

The two clubs meet again at Edgar Street on New Years Day.

"Get your tickets, if you haven't got one get your tickets, let have a bumper capacity Edgar Street full house making a raucous noise again on Monday."