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Thursday, November 09, 2023

York City Supporters Trust To Sell 24% Stake In Club

The Alty Files report that York City Supporters’ Trust is proposing selling half its stake in the Conference club to majority shareholders Julie-Anne and Matt Uggla

The pair hold 51 per cent after buying out Glen Henderson in the summer, and the proposal would increase that to 75 per cent.

The trust hope to convince members this would be of big benefit to the club whilst also increasing their protections.

'In our unwavering commitment to transparency and member engagement, we are unveiling this development ahead of schedule, with the intention of ensuring that as many of our fans as possible can actively participate in the decision-making process and shape the future of our football club', said a statement.

The trust was formed when then-chairman Douglas Craig put the club up for sale in February 2002, buying it out of administration the following year. It sees itself as guardian of the club.