Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Matchday Hospitality At Edgar Street

There are several opportunities to enjoy matchday hospitality at Edgar Street over the next couple of months.

This from Hereford FC:

We wanted to let you know about the hospitality dates now available for our home games over the festive season and into January.Saturday 23rd December - Hereford FC v Spennymoor United Monday 1st January - Hereford FC v Gloucester CitySaturday 13th January - Hereford FC v South ShieldsSaturday 20th January - Hereford FC v Kings Lynn TownEntertain your guests with the full Edgar Street Experience. This can be an ideal way to host busines to a private pay-bar pre-match and at half time• Two-course meal (up to ten guests per table)• Seatinss clients, reward staff members or enjoy your day out with family and friends!This isn’t your stuffy ‘corporate hospitality’ it’s a fun and relaxed atmosphere complete with pre-match interviews with Edgar Street Legends and the chance to win Hereford FC goodies and prizes from club sponsors, Westons Cider.• VIP experience in the RE Recruitment Hereford Suite• Accesg in the Merton Stand to view the game. (Upgrade available to sit in Executive Seating area)• Team Sheet provided• Interviews with former players (subject to availability)• Enjoy the post-match atmosphere in the Executive Club• Packages start at £48.50 per person (£54 with Executive seats upgrade) or £35 for season ticket holders (£41 with Executive seats upgrade)Pitch side rooms available on request.Contact Martin Brain on 01432 80157 or email mbrain@herefordfc.co.uk to secure your place now.