Saturday, October 10, 2020

Three Boston Players In Isolation

Three Boston United players are in insolation after one of them tested positive for Covid-19.

The player showed symptoms on Wednesday, the day after Boston had played at Leamington. 

The club have released a statement:

"A member of the first team squad displayed symptoms of Covid-19 on Wednesday.

"The club's Covid Medical Officer therefore carried out a test, which proved positive. The player is now self isolating for 10 days. As a precaution, another first team player that was deemed to have been in close contact has been advised to self isolate for 14 days. A third player who displayed atypical symptoms today has been advised to self isolate and has been tested.

"All the players will only return to training once they are clear of the virus and deemed medically fit. The club has followed strict Covid guidelines and have liaised with the National League over the actions taken. As a result, at the present time, (today's) fixture against Guiseley will go ahead as planned but, of course, we keep the situation under review.

"We have also liaised with Leamington FC and Guiseley AFC over this situation."