Saturday, October 10, 2020

Southport Streaming - Some Hereford Supporters Ask For Refund

A number of Hereford FC supporters have been in touch with Southport FC after problems with the streaming of the game between the two clubs last Tuesday evening.

The streaming, which cost £9.99, was reported to have 'constantly buffered' during much of the first half.

For the second half the game went out on YouTube. However not all subscribers were aware of this as some had given up watching the game.

Later Southport put out a statement.

'We are aware that during the first half some viewers had an issue with the stream and we worked to ensure that everyone had full uninterrupted access in the second half.

'We will investigate what the issue was during the first half, but we are thankful to our media team for resolving the issue and ensuring everyone was able to receive full coverage for the second half.'

Since Tuesday some Hereford supporters have tried to get their money back.

One supporter told BN that Southport were stalling on refunds by asking for proof that he could not view the game.

His 91 year old father, his sister and himself had all paid £9.99 each for the streaming as had, it's understood, several hundred other Hereford supporters.

Whatever the reason for the problems with the live stream last Tuesday, supporters may be put off purchasing streaming in the future if the service isn't reliable.