Thursday, January 09, 2020

Rob Crawford Becomes Club Director

Rob Crawford, one of Hereford FC's benefactors, has joined the club board.

A statement has been released by the club board:

“Following an Initial Shareholder (IS) Board position becoming available, Rob Crawford has kindly offered to join the Hereford FC Board with the full consent of all Initial Shareholders and existing Hereford FC Board Members.

“Rob is Chairman of Central Management Catalogue Agency (UK) Ltd and his experience will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the board.

“The Initial Shareholders and Hereford FC Directors are extremely grateful to Rob for giving his time and energy to Hereford FC.”

Crawford invested £50,000 in the club a few months after the four initial benefactors. 

His appointment to the board comes after George Webb quit last month.

There is one vacancy remaining on the board.