There will be a one minute silence at Edgar Street this afternoon to remember those who gave their lives in conflicts across the globe.
This will take place prior to the start of the National North game between Hereford FC and Altrincham which kicks off at 3pm.
In attendance will be members of the Royal British Legion.
As ever there will be a bucket collection.
Hereford players will wear shirts with the Poppy on them. The shirts will be auctioned later this month.
Also at the ground this afternoon will be the Hereford FC Academy player of the month awards.
These will take place at half-time.
U12 - Joe Barnes
U13 - Kyle Smith
U14 - Sam Barber
U15 - George Gibbons
U16 - Will Bowen
U18 - James Goodfellow
Women - Rhian James