Thursday, August 02, 2018

Cards In The Technical Area

This from the National League:

From the start of the 2018/19 season, yellow and red cards will be issued by match officials for misconduct committed in the technical area in the National League.

This trial follows a review by the English game’s stakeholders of the pre-existing Technical Area Code of Conduct, which was established in 2015 and sets out the behaviours expected of occupants of the technical area and establishes how the match officials will implement the Code.
Disciplinary action will now be taken for accumulated Stage 1 Warnings for technical area occupants in the following competitions [first team competitive matches only]:
This is similar to the current system that operates for players with automatic touchline bans imposed for accumulated yellow cards, however, unlike accumulated player cautions, there is no cut-off date for yellow cards issued for technical area misconduct.
An automatic suspension will be triggered when an individual reaches the following thresholds:
Number of Stage 1 Warnings
4: 1 match
8: 2 matches
12: 3 matches
16: Misconduct Charge (sanction to be determined by a Regulatory Commission)

What is a Stage 1 Warning?
As outlined in the Technical Area Code of Conduct, for any activity considered to be irresponsible the Match Referee has the authority to issue a formal warning to the individual concerned.
Irresponsible behaviour includes but is not limited to:
*Inappropriate language and / or gestures towards the match officials which are an obvious show of dissent or an attempt to influence the decisions of the match officials;
*Kicking or throwing water bottles, coats or other similar objects in an obvious show of dissent;
*Sarcastic clapping and / or other gestures intended to undermine the authority of the match officials;
*Entering the opponents’ technical area in an inappropriate manner;
*Gesturing waving an imaginary yellow / red card.
The formal warnings are reported to The FA using the same process as player cautions and dismissals.