Friday, July 27, 2018

Beadle Brings In Defender From Bristol City

Hereford FC will have an extra defender in their squad for tomorrow's friendly against Cardiff.

19 year old Harvey Smith has joined the Bulls on loan from Bristol City.

Initially it's a one month loan.

Smith went on loan last season to Weston. 

Peter Beadle has commented to the OS on the loan.

"Harvey is a centre-half who had a very successful spell at Weston last year, so we know that he can handle this level of football."

Last season Cameron Pring came to Edgar Street on loan from Bristol City and Beadle feels that both clubs gained from the deal.

"It’s a relationship that is beneficial to everyone involved. We get the chance to bring in a quality defender and Bristol get to send out their youngsters to get some taste of first-team competitive football."

Smith was at Edgar Street last Wednesday to watch the friendly against Forest Green.