Monday, May 21, 2018

Hereford Supporter Sang At FA Cup Final

A Hereford supporter was one of a chosen group of fans selected to sing Abide With Me at last Saturday's FA Cup Final.

This morning Andy Boucher, whose singing talent probably came from his father Danny Lee, told BBC Hereford and Worcester about his day at Wembley.

"It was amazing, absolutely amazing," said Andy.

"A once in a lifetime thing for me to sing at Wembley and represent my team Hereford FC.

"I had a message from one of the directors at the club, Martin Watson, and he said that the events manager at the FA had been in touch and wanted someone to represent the club.

"So they thought of me, a lifelong supporter and also a bit of a singer as well.

"I think I did the job.

"I got a great seat not far from the dug-outs, pretty much in with the Chelsea fans.

"The game wasn't the best in the world.

"I would have preferred Hereford to have been there, probably been a better game as well.

"I saw 'Motty' and also Ronnie Radford."