Saturday, May 27, 2017

UITC Awards Evening

The end of season award evening for UITC was held last night at central park. The event was attended by over 300 players, parents and invited guests. Hereford manager Peter Beadle attended and presented each player award. 

The awards winners:
U10 most improved player: Jack Thomson
U10 player of the year: Luke Tidwell
U11 most improved player: Kyle Smith
U11 player of the year: Cam Davey
U12 most improved player: Morgan Barbu
U12 player of the year: Jamie Holman
U13 most improved player: Freddie Fox
U13 player of the year:  Michael Yalland
U14 most improved player: Will Powell
U14 managers player of the year: Lucas
U14 player of the year: Will Powell
U15 most improved player: Josh Bridges
U15 managers player of the year: Sean Yalland
U15 player of the year: Olly 
U16 most improved player: Elliott Peeters-Vanstone
U16 managers player of the year: Jack Marston
U16 players player of the year: Cam Gauci
U18 players player of the year: Jamie Davies
U18 most improved player of the year: George Hayes
U18 managers player of the year: Jay Richmond
U18 girls most improved player of the year: Sinead Bushell
U18 girls players player of the year: Sian Bull
U18 girls managers player of the year: Sian Bull
Cargill U18 girls player of the year: Sophie Elcox-Bond
Central Roofing Fairplay Award: U18 Girls