The minutes of the HUST board meeting from March 16th:
Present: Board Members – Mike Langford, Andy Carr, Francis Williams, Richard Tomkins, Tristan Edwards, Craig Goodall, Russell Cheasley.
Minutes Secretary – Peter Davies.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Andy Swift and Chris Williams.
Appointment of Chairman
Craig Goodall, who is the acting secretary, reported that there had been no self-nominations for the chairmanship of the Board.
After a discussion it was agreed that neither the chair nor vice-chair of the Board should sit on the HFC Board due to potential conflict of interests and time constraints.
Irrespective of their roles on the HFC Board it was reiterated by Frank Williams that the HUST representatives on the HFC Board’s first interest is to represent the members.
Mike Langford reported that Chris Williams had indicated that he was open-minded about continuing as chairman.
The work undertaken by the HUST representatives on the HFC Board after the setting up of the club was recognised, the comment being made that their commitment had been greater than anticipated due to the tremendous support for the club which is more akin to that of a 1st or 2nd division club.
A discussion took place about whether the chairman should be based in Herefordshire. It was decided that this was not a necessity as electronic communication would enable the chair to fulfil his role effectively.
Craig Goodall queried whether meetings could be chaired by Board members in rotation. It was decided that the Trust needed a figurehead with whom members could identify.
After further discussion Richard Tomkins was nominated for the position of chairman by Frank Williams. The nomination was seconded by Mike Langford and carried unanimously.
RESOLVED: Richard Tomkins to be the Chairman of the HUST
Richard Tomkins then took over the chairmanship of the meeting.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman
The position of vice-chairman was discussed and it was agreed that the post could be shared between two members with each taking a specific role.
Craig Goodall and Russell Cheasley indicated that they would be willing to serve as joint vice-chairmen taking on the governance and community roles respectively. They were subsequently nominated by Mike Langford and seconded by Frank Williams appointed by unanimous vote.
The observation was made that it was good that one of the vice-chairmen was Hereford based and one an “exile”.
RESOLVED: That Craig Goodall act as the vice-chairman responsible for governance and that Russell Cheasley act as the vice-chairman responsible for community liaison.
Appointment of Treasurer
Mike Langford offered to continue in the role of treasurer stating that with the end of the financial year approaching it would be difficult for another Board member to pick up the reins.
The other members recognised the need for continuity and Russell Cheasley proposed that Mike Langford be appointed as treasurer.
This was seconded by Andy Carr and passed unanimously.
RESOLVED: That Mike Langford continue as Treasurer for HUST.
Minutes of the Board meeting held on 25 February 2015
The minutes of the February Board meeting were agreed to be a true record (proposed Frank Williams, seconded Russell Cheasley).
The minutes are to be published on the website subject to a slight amendment to minute 7.01.
A discussion took place on the protocol for publishing draft minutes prior to final approval at the next Board meeting. Craig Goodall stated that it was normal practice to issue draft minutes of the previous meeting together with the agenda for the forthcoming meeting, subject to the draft minutes being issued to all Board members for comment before publication.
RESOLVED: That draft minutes be circulated to Board
members for comment before being published with the agenda for forthcoming meetings.
It was also agreed that Frank Williams should continue to summarise key decisions made at meetings and issue those to members in the form of a press release.
Overview of the plan for the proposed governance review
Craig Goodall reported that he had been in touch with Supporters Direct who will provide advice as required.
In order to ascertain what policies had been formally approved he requested that minutes of meetings prior to May 2015 be made available. Mike Langford commented that he understood that formal minutes were not made, meetings being recorded in note form.
Craig Goodall informed the meeting that certain policies and changes to the constitution needed the approval of the membership at general meetings.
There then followed a lengthy discussion on the integrity of the membership list. Peter Davies, who has been updating the records, stated that the list used by the EMG had several duplicate entries for members who had been allocated different membership numbers in consecutive years. There were entries for members with the same name which he assumes, unless evidence is found to the contrary, are different people. There were also some duplicate entries for members who had changed their address as well as a couple of entries which appeared dubious, one being for a member with a false address. As stated at the previous meeting, as far as he is aware, these anomalies do not appear in the current list of renewed and new members.
Craig Goodall stated that he thought there still might be problems with the list which needs further scrutiny. He referred to the lapsed member with an assumed name and false address informing the meeting that the identity of the member had been the subject of debate on internet forums and social media and that comments had been made on the lapsed member’s address.
A discussion followed on access rights. Peter Davies reported that he has had direct access to the members list on Google Forms since mid August. He would rather the spreadsheet was in password protected Excel format as data was easier to handle and sort.
It was agreed that the membership list dating from 2013 should be electronically archived and the current membership list be moved to a new site and password protected. New and renewing members will be listed on the new site and allocated new membership
The chairman and Tristan Edwards agreed to assist Craig Goodall
in the governance review with input from other board members when required.
Approval of Board Membership and Conduct Policy
Updated copies of the policy were issued and signed. These will be held by the acting secretary until an independent secretary is appointed.
Overview of Plans to Revamp the Trust Website
Andy Carr reported that he had traced and contacted the originator of the current website who confirmed that the hosting of the website expires on 20th April 2016.
Although the existing provider would be willing to continue to host the website, Andy Carr stated that better value could be obtained elsewhere reporting that he had located a host that would charge £35 per annum including provision for up to 25 email addresses.
Andy Carr confirmed that the new website will handle membership renewals and applications, contain regular updates and news items, and would include, amongst other items, a governance section, social media links, minutes and agenda, and general information on the Trust.
Andy Carr said he was open to suggestions on the format and content of the new web site and would look at other trusts websites for further ideas.
It was agreed unanimously to move the website to a new host.
RESOLVED: That the website be moved to the new host server before 20th April 2016 and that a development website be set up for testing and comment.
Roles and Responsibilities
Besides the roles and responsibilities already established it was agreed that membership would come under the auspices of the governance member, Craig Goodall.
It was agreed that volunteer, Peter Davies, would continue to deal with membership applications and maintaining the membership list in addition to taking minutes of Board meetings.
The responsibility for press releases, including making a précis of meeting minutes, was taken on by Frank Williams. He would work in close liaison with Andy Carr and the rest of the Board. However, Mike Langford would continue to write the notes for inclusion in match programmes until the end of the season. The possibility of including a HUST membership application form as an insert in the last programme of the season was raised.
Frank Williams will also be the “exiles” representative and to that end reported that he has already set up an exiles facebook page that has attracted a lot of interest.
It was agreed that fundraising would remain the responsibility of Andy Swift.
As stated in minute 3.04, Russell Cheasley will be the member responsible for community matters.
It was emphasised that although individual Board members take the lead role they would be supported by all members, and that any Trust information would only be released after consultation with Board members and after being signed off by the chairman.
It was unanimously agreed to communicate these roles and responsibilities to HUST members.
RESOLVED: That the roles and responsibilities of the individual Board members be communicated to the membership as follows:
Chairman: Richard Tomkins
Vice - Chairman Governance: Craig Goodall (Acting Secretary until an Independent Secretary is appointed)
Vice Chairman - Community: Russell Cheasley
Treasurer: Mike Langford (HUST appointed Director to HFC Board)
Fund Raising: Andy Swift
Communications / Media: Andy Carr
Press Officer / Exiles Representative: Francis Williams
Assistance to Governance & Communications: Tristan Edwards
Board Member: Chris Williams (HUST appointed Director to HFC Board)
Volunteer Independent Minute and Membership Secretary : Peter Davies
Consideration of a request from UITC for away travel
This request was discussed at length.
Russell Cheasley ventured the opinion that HUST could support UITC in ways other than offering financial support
During the discussion Frank Williams queried whether UITC would have a stronger link with HFC in future. Mike Langford stated that this was likely.
Tristan Edwards considered that such applications should not come out of the blue and should be accompanied by a proper application with a statement of need and full breakdown of anticipated costs.
The opinion was put forward that UITC was a business in its own right and before HUST considered giving financial support it should be assured that UITC was collecting all revenues that were due.
Mike Langford informed the meeting that a contribution of £1064 had already been made for the purchase of kit and that HUST had offered to pay the floodlighting costs of any evening matches played at Edgar Street. In the event this was not necessary as no floodlit matches were played.
Russell Cheasley suggested that the Board consider ring-fencing a percentage of income, not already ring-fenced to purchase shares, to support UITC and other community initiatives.
It was generally recognised and agreed that the main fundraising aim at present should be for share purchase.
As the event for which funding was requested has now occurred it was decided that no further action would be taken.
RESOLVED: To take no further action on UITC’s request for funding.
Richard Tomkins stated that he was meeting Laura Davies of UITC shortly and will report back to the Board.
Possible dates and times for the proposed meeting with the HFC Board were discussed. Mike Langford informed the meeting that it was unlikely that the meeting could be arranged to follow an HFC Board meeting.
Mike Langford reported that the 50/50 draw for the Salisbury vase match raised £3,125. He stated that it cost £30 for every £1,000 raised. Costs included ticket printing costs and the cost of reflective bibs for sellers.
It was suggested that a sponsor be sought for the draw for next season whose details could be advertised on the back of tickets and on the bibs. It was agreed that this suggested be followed up.
There are currently usually 9 or 10 volunteers who sell the 50/50 tickets. Mike Langford considered that this number was sufficient to cover all areas of the ground.
Mike Langford stated that there was £23,991.05 in the bank account of which £20,786 was ring fenced to buy shares in HFC. This sum comprises £17,788 from the draw and £2,998 from donations. This means there is a sum of £3,200 to expend on other items.
Mike Langford reported that he is looking into reducing the auditing costs.
A brief discussion took place on proposal for a fifth person to buy shares in the club. A proposal to amend the timescale and number of shares to be purchased by HUST has been accepted by the HFC Board but this has yet to be put to HUST members for ratification. It was agreed that this be put on the agenda for the next HUST Board meeting.
Peter Davies reported that few members included a sae when renewing their membership. He suggested that a sum of £750 be set aside for postage, stationery and printing costs.
The possibility of reducing membership costs by obtaining sponsorship for the membership cards is to be investigated.
When membership is due for renewal it was agreed that this be publicised on Bulls News, the HUST website and by emailing existing members.
Frank Williams reported on the response to the Exiles Facebook page that he has set up. Within 90 minutes 50 people had joined and this had increased to 184 during the Board meeting. Members were forming local cluster groups. Many useful suggestions had been made including using the membership card as a discount card, information on hotels that might accommodate exiles, setting up an official Facebook page, and increasing the range of HFC merchandise that can be obtained online. The idea of having a designated match as an exiles match was also raised.
Russell Cheasley informed the meeting of a premier league initiative to provide grants for small club fans organisations. It was agreed that details be circulated to board members and that an item be placed on the next agenda to discuss the possibility f applying for such a grant.
Richard Tomkins reported that he had been in contact with Jesse Norman MP.
Richard Tomkins suggested that the Board consider having a player or supporter of the year award. It was agreed that this would be an item on the next agenda. Date of Next Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held at Edgar Street at 7.00pm on Tuesday 26 April 2016.
Russell Cheasley is to arrange for the building to be open.
The meeting closed at 9.56 pm