Ron Parrott has had a fresh run of programmes printed for the away match at Coleshill...
“As subscribers to my “Programme Subscription Service” will already know, it has sometimes not been easy to obtain the necessary quantity of away programmes to satisfy demand. One such recent occasion was the away game at Coleshill Town on 28th November when we were only able to procure four of the 30 needed despite our best efforts.
However, we have since managed to persuade the printers to produce some more and these are now available. We have been involved in some exceptional costs in procuring these and to avoid making a loss we are having to charge £3.50 per copy. So if anyone still needs a copy, please forward a stamped addressed envelope (to take the programme measuring 8-1/4” x 5-3/4”) and a cheque for £3.50 made payable to Hereford FC to:-
Ron Parrott
Auberrow House
This will not apply to current subscribers, who will now have theirs posted out direct.”