Saturday, November 07, 2015

UITC Players Of The Month

Lap Of Honour For Five UITC Players
UITC have introduced a new player of the month award to showcase and reward players development within the Hereford FC pathway. Every month the head coach for each age group will nominate a player and give them 3 reasons why they have achieved this.

Our philosophy is: Play for Fun - Play Fair - Play Hard - Play to Win (Be the best you can)

The first awards were presented this afternoon at half-time.

Our picture shows the five players along with Hereford FC chairman Jon Hale.

From Left: Cameron Godsall, Toby King,Tim Honey, Jon Hale, Tom Hassan and Matt McLeod

U12 - Tim Honey 
Tim's attitude in training and matches has been excellent and always gives 110% work-rate. He is consistent & versatile in matches and has adapted to a number of positions. Tim has shown great leadership skills on the pitch.

U13 - Tom Hassan
Tom has recently been asked to play in a new position and has developed well in his new role. His commitment and application at training has been first class and has shown a willingness to learn. As a result of all this Toms performance in games has improved each week since arriving at club.

U14 - Toby King
Toby has shown outstanding commitment and a great attitude in training. He is developing every week and has improved significantly since joining in the summer. Toby has contributed to many goals and assists on a weekly basis.

U15 - Matt McLeod
Matt joined the squad in the summer and has improved significantly since joining. He has shown outstanding attitude and commitment in training. Matt has produced some outstanding performances this season. A hard-working player, determined to be successful and improve every week.

U16 - Cameron Godsall
Cameron has been very dependable and has not missed any training or games. He has played in several positions and played consistently well. Some excellent performance by a player playing in an older age group.

Tom Gameson Pictured Playing For The U18's At Pegasus Last Wednesday
U18 - Tom Gameson

Tom's performances have continued to improve. He has provided lots of support to others players and his behaviour has been excellent. His commitment to training and games on a daily basis has been excellent.