Sunday, November 15, 2015

Telford Boards Recommends Share Sale

AFC Telford's Club and Supporters Trust Board are both recommending that the two entities split, with the Trust becoming a shareholder in the Club.

A proposal is being put to members (link, PDF) that the two bodies split, with anyone then able to buy shares in the club. Individuals would be limited to a maximum £30,000 investment, a limit not placed on the Trust, but each £1,000 share would require the holder to put in an additional £500 a season to retain ownership of the share and give them entry to each league match and access to a 'shareholders lounge' on matchdays.

A club statement notes: “We are the guardians of the football club and as such we have recognised the shift in the way other football clubs are financing themselves in order to compete and ultimately this has seen us struggle to keep up, especially in the Conference Premier. This has led us over the last 12 months to examine and investigate other viable means of ensuring this football clubs long term future."