Saturday, May 30, 2015

Volunteers Bulletin

This from Volunteers Coordinator Ken Kinnersley:

Hereford FC

Volunteers Bulletin No 8

From: Ken Kinnersley                                                                           29 May 2015
          Operations Director

Dear Volunteer,

Please note - Bulletin No 8 is addressed to all volunteers including general duties, committed, trade and others.  - not all addressees will have received all previous Bulletins.

Update on Edgar Street

We are sure everyone will be well aware that we have our first game at Edgar Street on Sat 11 Jul 15. You may not be aware that the game is only 30 working days away - possibly less depending on how long it takes to get this email sent out to everyone involved.

We already have contractors working, and planned to be starting here in a few days. Their task will be to resolve the many and expensive repairs to the stadium that have been neglected over the years. These are works it is not possible for volunteers to undertake and are in addition to the works for which Herefordshire Council accepted financial responsibility.

Thus, following receipt of the Structural Engineers report and recommendations he has made the Hereford FC Board have decided that these, largely safety related works, must now be carried out in the interests of the safety of our fans. The decision to commit to the overall expenditure totalling in excess of £120,000 was made all the more complex as the expenditure had to be viewed against the backdrop of the limited 5 year lease.

The bulk of the work – the majority of which simply has to be carried out if we are to secure a ground safety certificate - comprises of:

1        Structural safety improvements to various parts of all three stands in line with the   Structural Engineers recommendations.

2        Completely new emergency lighting system must be installed in all stands to   comply with legislation to allow us to secure a safety certificate.

3        Welding repairs and additional barriers in stands and entrance / exits to comply      with recommendations made by the Structural Engineer.

4        Re-cladding the entire length of the rear of the Meadow End to facilitate removal     of fragile and damaged sheeting and replace with serviceable protection.

5        Concrete repairs to various parts of the three stands as advised by the Structural     Engineer to eliminate trip and safety hazards also to facilitate provision of the   safety certificate.

6        Renewal and repair of emergency exit doors, again as advised by the Structural        Engineer and to ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

7        Facelift for all the social areas including Radfords and Addisions to improve and       enhance the spectator experience.

It is worth pointing out that the £120,000+ quoted does not reflect the true market value of the work that has been and will be undertaken. Thanks to the generosity of a number of contractors who, fortunately, are also Bulls fans, their charges have been significantly discounted which yet again, demonstrates the level of support and good will that is being shown towards Hereford FC.

Volunteers Update

Thanks to the fantastic effort and work ethic of the regular team of Hereford FC volunteers who have so far donated over 400 hundred hours of labour there are many parts of the stadium that are now in a much tidier and cleaner state than has been the case for very many years.

The sheer amount of rubbish awaiting removal from the stadium is quite incredible. Apart from the final clean of the stands and seats prior to 11 Jul, the worst of the "dirty" work is now coming to an end. The next stage will be preparation and painting both inside and outside the stadium, of items such as barriers, walls, doors and window frames and other bits that don't move!  So, we will be calling on your services again in the near future please keep an eye of your in-box! 

It is also the intention to arrange an informal meeting for those who added their name to the "committed volunteers" list - that is to say those of you who who are willing to work as unpaid volunteers on match days, including fulfilling important roles such as programme sellers, turnstile operators and stewards. The meeting will be within the next couple of weeks and will be followed by one or possibly two truncated practise "match days" but obviously without the football or the fans! We urge everyone to make the maximum effort to attend and we are sure you will appreciate the importance of this type of preparation.

The match day "dry run" will start with reporting pre match, run through the normal match day scenario to closing down and booking out. Hopefully, it will highlight areas we have not yet thought about, identify where keys or equipment is missing, and demonstrate where we need extra volunteer help.

Incidentally, there is still time for those who wish to join the committed list by emailing and we are always delighted to accept new recruits, aged 17 or over, into of team of volunteers.

We also need to find more volunteers willing to assist in the "sweep-up" of the stands immediately after every match and also for general cleaning duties around the stadium so we would be pleased to hear from anyone else willing to join the team and help with these vitally important tasks. Important because it is work that has to be done, it is within the capability of almost everyone to do it yet it would be a considerable financial burden on Hereford FC if we have to pay to have the job done.

It is also hoped that with the emphasis on sustainability all fans will contribute to the cause. You can easily do so by very simple actions such as not dropping litter either inside or outside the stadium - not least because it is other fans who have to pick it up! Also, if you see a bit of rubbish please pick it up and dispose of correctly.

In closing, an apology – as it has been brought to our attention that some fans may have been in contact to offer their services as a volunteer but not received a reply. Where this has occurred we offer sincere apologies. All fans can be assured that we have never deliberately failed to respond to any of your generous offers to volunteer. We very much regret if any failure on our part has caused distress or given the wrong impression of the value we place on those who volunteer.  In the event this has or does happen in future do please contact us again and let us know in order that we can rectify any human or technical error that may have resulted in our failure. Hopefully, the excellent relations Hereford FC have developed with fans through the excellent work of Chris Ammonds will be evidence of the emphasis we place on our relationship with Bulls fans.

We will be issuing a further Bulletin in a few days time with regard to the next work party and the first meeting - so please keep an eye on your email in-box!