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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jon Hale And Chris Williams Reflect On Lease Deal

This from Hereford FC:

Speaking this afternoon, after Herefordshire Council announced a five year deal had been agreed with Hereford FC for the Edgar Street lease, Chairman Jon Hale said:

‘We are absolutely delighted to have agreed a deal with Herefordshire Council for Hereford FC to play at Edgar Street from the start of the 2015/16 season.

‘The lease deal covers five seasons and it is particularly pleasing to be able to confirm that, as part of the agreement we have in place, supporters will be able to stand on the Meadow End.

‘We know how important the Meadow End is to so many supporters and we believe having the traditional home end in use will help ensure we take the spirit of Hereford United with us as we start our journey as Hereford FC.

‘Today is clearly a momentous day, but we are in no doubt that the hard work really starts now. We will be making immediate contact with the Football Association and will then keep up regular contact as we begin the process of being allocated a league to play in next season.

‘I’m sure we are all very excited about the thought of watching football at Edgar Street once again, but I’d like to ask fans to be patient while we make specific plans for the next few weeks and months.

‘We will be looking to put season tickets on sale as soon as we can and we will let people know once we have a plan to do this. We want to create a family atmosphere at Hereford FC and to do that we know good communication is vital.

‘We will provide updates as often as we can and will work closely with Hereford United Supporters Trust (HUST) – who have played a huge role so far and will continue to do so – to ensure as many people are involved as possible.

‘I’d like to thank every single person who has offered us messages of support and I’d also like to thank everyone who has come forward to offer their services as a volunteer to help us get the club off the ground. We will be making contact with all our volunteers as soon as we have organised at a schedule of the type work that needs doing.

‘Finally, I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank Herefordshire Council for demonstrating its commitment to football at Edgar Street by agreeing this lease. We now hope that fans get behind the club so that we can repay the faith the local authority have shown in us.

‘We believe this is going to be quite an adventure – one that we cannot wait to share with you all.’

Meanwhile, HUST Chairman, Chris Williams also gave his thoughts on securing Edgar Street for Hereford FC:

‘I am very pleased that the HUST membership, and the wider support base, has got what it wanted after the heartache of the past months. We can now look forward with confidence, get the stadium ready, and then start talking about the thing everyone really wants to talk about – football.

‘We will need the support of the community to get everything in place for August, and the community have already stepped forward in large numbers to offer their support.

‘We truly believe we are on the cusp of something fantastic for Herefordshire.’