Friday, January 30, 2015

Watson Responds To Lonsdale

Martin Watson was interviewed on BBC Hereford and Worcester earlier today. The HUST vice-chairman was asked about an interview given by former chairmam Andy Lonsdale.

"It just seemed to be a bitter last rant from somebody whose continual lies were exposed time and time again," said Watson.

"They took over on May 28th. Within two weeks we were kicked out of the Conference because they refused to pay the bills after having told everybody they were going to pay everyone.

"They went back on what they said they were going to do almost immediately. 

"They said they were not after the leases until Herefordshire Council admitted they had a meeting and a request to transfer the leases to one of Tommy Agombar's other companies.

"We've talked for a long long time about a phoenix club. When the supporters trust was set up there was always a discussion.

"The simple fact was that during David Keyte's four year reign the club lost £1.5M.

"There was a company on paper but nothing else was set up and that company could have been used for anything.

"If they had come in and paid the bills like they said they would, it would have carried on fine. There was never any problem with that.

"We kept the same line all the way through. We gave them chance after chance after chance and they lied to the fans, they lied to the players, they lied to the staff, they lied to the Council, they lied to you on Hereford and Worcester, they lied to the press, they lied to everybody, they did it time and time again.

"Andy Lonsdale threatened me personally.

"He's claiming abuse and he kept on saying he would go to the police about it but the police appear to have received no reports.

"He seems to be making up a history that doesn't exist.

"You can't stop hundreds of people commenting on things and you will get one or two at the extremes and that's always the case.

"We've repeatedly stated that none of this abuse is done in our (HUST) name. We've repeatedly stated that."

As for the future?

"We've got to open negotiations with the Council and secure the ground and look to build towards next season. That's going to be done with the fans backing."

Have you got anything to say to Lonsdale and Agombar?

"There's nothing left to say to them. They came here and treated the club and the fans appallingly and the players and the staff.

"The vast majority of people are glad to see the back of them and from the comments H&W are receiving today it seems that people are quite disappointed that he's been given air-time today."