Friday, January 09, 2015

Jamie And Podge Back Hereford FC

Former Hereford United media man Jamie Griffiths and Hereford Times reporter Paul Rogers have backed Hereford FC in articles today.

Firstly, Griffiths writes:

'I write the following with no more in-depth knowledge about the situation than what is already public knowledge. These are my thoughts and my comments – you probably won’t agree with everything, but you know what – that’s the beauty of football, and the one thing that I’ve been impressed by early on from the group, is the realisation that fans do quite rightly have the right to question what is being proposed, because at the end of the day we all want what’s best for the club. Are we all going to agree? No, but we can’t let that stop us all trying to give this new club the best of starts.'

Meanwhile, the HT's Rogers says:

'We are into a new year that I hope will bring new hope and prosperity to all Bulls fans. Hereford FC has been launched and are hopeful of being allowed to play at Edgar Street.

A lot of work will obviously have to take place before the start of next season in order for them to achieve their goal and no one knows what league they will start in. It is encouraging though that they are getting a lot of support, which will be vital in order for them to succeed.

I have witnessed on many occasions what can be achieved with a fantastic fan base behind it.'