Saturday, September 06, 2014

Council Slow To React To Petition

Cllr Johnson With The Petition Presented To Him On June 26th
The organisers of a petition to Hereford United about the possible transfer of the Edgar Street leases to Tommy Agombar are still awaiting a detailed reply from Herefordshire Council.

The petition was signed by well over 7,500 people and as such triggers a full debate.

On September 3rd the organisers of the petition sent a reminder to the Council.

Dear Sirs,

Earlier this summer I set up an online petition calling on the Council to not transfer the leases at Edgar St to the current owner Mr Agombar.

The petition reflected local concerns and was a great success. It was delivered to Cllr Johnson by a small group of Hereford United supporters with around 7500 signatures.

I understand that if a petition is presented to the Council with over
7000 signatures then it triggers a full debate on the matter.

I am not aware that this has yet happened and would like to ask you when it is likely to happen.

Many thanks for your support in the struggle to save the future of professional football in the City.
Yours etc.

The Council replied later that day.

Dear ....
Thank you very much for your e-mail below addressed to both the Chairman and Leader.

I can confirm that a colleague will reply to you in full with the details shortly.

Kind regards,