Wednesday, September 03, 2014

A Message To Creditors

Thick and Thin believes Hereford United creditors should consider joining the 'petition'.

Creditors - how can you have any trust that this new regime will have any respect for your position when:

First - they put forward a completely implausible CVA proposal - rejected outright.

Second - Mr Andy Lonsdale publicly declares a new investor will settle the petitioning creditors in full, but without any mention as to how the general body of creditors will be dealt with.

In these circumstances, creditors may wish to join in the petition in the hope they get the same proposed treatment as Messrs Foyle/Porter, HMRC etc.

To do so, creditors should first take their own legal advice to be completely clear as to what this means

Then they should contact the solicitor who filed the winding up petition for Mr Foyle and ask "to be recorded as a supporting party to join in the winding up petition", attaching their contact details and the documents they would have lodged to support their claim at the recent CVA meetings.

The solicitor is Slater & Gordon (UK) LLP, 50-52 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HL (ref JPD/HA/595.236 M Foyle fao: John Deane - 0207 657 1555 - apparently receptive to phone calls to clarify the position.