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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Where Is The Common Sense?

Riverswye is currently boycotting games at Edgar Street. Below he explains why. 

I had a season ticket since 1989, just to justify myself to the ExDodds on here. I am now that scurge of 1939, a boycotter. Let me make it clear that me staying away from Edgar Street against St Neots was one of the worst experiences I have had in my life. The feeling of emptiness, numbness and a fair helping of anger, will live with me to the end of my days.    

This shower of bastards that have openly admitted they relegated us two leagues on purpose. I appreciate that success has many parents, and failure is orphaned. That is not my reasoning for staying away. I would watch Hereford United in any League.
I know there are some that will still go to games, they couldn't give a s*** who owns the club; they know the ownership is distasteful but it is the Club they love; it is only a tenner; and it might be their last chance to go to Edgar Street. 

Fair play, we have heard it all.
For me, the compass of morality has been shattered by this collection of convicts, liars and bulls***ters.
Now I am not one to brag, but I did get a half decent grade in GCSE Business Studies.This experience has led me to a frightening conclusion.
Lets say there are 20 players on £200 a week, a manager, an assistant/camera man/woodwork expert, a physio, Chairman Andy, Mrs Phelps, girl in the office, cooking person, digs to pay, B&B's up Grafton, away travel costs (sponsored by HUISA), stewarding, accountants, electric, VAT, PAYE, need I go on. In the real world, it isn't too hard to get that little lot to add up to £10,000 a week. 
One home game every 10 days through the season is currently dragging in about £3500.

No shirt sponsors. No advertising boards. No programme/player advertisers. No matchball sponsors. No League sponsorship. No away fans. No club shop. No 50/50 tickets.
Lets not kid ourselves, the cashburn rate is horrific even with your blinkers on.

Chairman Andy has issued his latest soundbite, and states the club will survive on selling young up-and-coming stars of the future. The same guy that let potentially £250k of talent in Murphy and Bowen walk away for nothing. What is the going rate for a player in the Southern League, 5 or 10 grand would be my thinking.
Its all a bit like my alchoholic mate that lives on payday loans, puts red letter demands under his sofa as he thinks they will go away. Never facing up to reality.
A club of our size can only exist, let alone prosper, when the majority are singing from the same hymn sheet. How can that work when so many are not even going to the church because of these 'owners' ? 

One has to look at Lonsdale, Taylor, Phelps and Phelps wife with a little sympathy.The poor buggers would not get a job anywhere else, so who can blame them for digging in. Unfortunately their benefit, is at the football clubs expense.
At least when September 1st arrives we will know who these new blue-chip high street sponsors are. To write a cheque north of £500k is a noble thing to do, and they deserve all the publicity they get. Perish the thought it isn't made public, as Scotland Yard will think Christmas has come early.

Until then I would urge everybody to really consider whether they should be financing this rotten leadership any more. 

The sooner the club is back as one, the sooner the good times will return.