Tuesday, August 26, 2014

News Round-Up

Bristol Rovers have issued a High Court writ against Sainsburys over claimed breaches of contract in their agreement to develop their current Memorial Ground stadium. The Pirates claim to be £340,000 out of pocket according to the Bristol Post, with the supermarket claimed to be "dragging it's heels" over the development which it does not "sincerely wish" to go ahead with. Several supermarket chains have switched focus from large stores to their smaller local 'metro' style convenience chains. The club have refused to comment on the news.

Slough Town fans held a red card protest against their local Council, with the club still seeking a new home in the town. They left their old Wexham Park home 12 years ago, and first made the red card protest 10 years ago. The Council committed to finding them a new home seven years ago with the club currently playing in nearby Beaconsfield, where they have been since 2007.

Forest Green are looking at a possible site for a new stadium next to the M5 motorway and on the outskirts of Gloucester. The Javelin Park site is planned to be used for a controversial incinerator but the Gumpers could pounce if it fails to get planning permission.