Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Club Statement On Fan Group Talks

This from the official site:

A positive discussion was held yesterday evening when members of HUISA and HUST met with the Board of Directors.

After the fantastic efforts of the past few weeks which culminated in the club being able to settle its outstanding tax bill with the HMRC, the supporters groups wished to liaise with the Directors to ascertain what further financial liabilities are outstanding and how they could help towards those liabilities through ongoing fundraising events.

Chairman David Keyte spoke openly on a number of topics and welcomed the thoughts and ideas of those present. He expressed his thanks to the supporters and stated that any financial support is welcomed but suggested in his personal view that it is a concern to realistically be asking a small group of loyal fans to support every event having attended every match and that 300 more supporters at each match this season would have generated the equivalent of the tax bill(£78k).

The circular debate about the standard of football was raised as a cause for falling gates which resulted in an agreement in the meeting that cutting costs was therefore the way forward unless fresh investment is forthcoming. A common view was expressed that the supporters would even accept a lesser playing squad budget if a more manageable financial result was forthcoming.

The Board confirmed their previously stated position that a break-even budget would be constructed for the 2014-15 Season commencing 1st June 2014 and the Chairman shared some headline figures that such a budget would likely contain.

The Chairman told the meeting that the players have this week received their wages in full up to and including 28th February and continue to receive sums as and when they become available. He suggested that the players would hopefully now be able to concentrate on our two crucial matches this weekend.

It was agreed that a regular liaison meeting will be staged each month and that specific items should be listed for the Supporters’ groups to take up as fundraising targets. HUISA offered to pay for the team coach to Tamworth and HUST would meet the cost of the club’s final away trip to Aldershot.

A positive, constructive meeting.