Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bulls Look To Form Fundraising Working Group

This from the official site:

We're looking for enthusiastic supporters who can volunteer their time to join a working group to help get a number of fundraising events off the ground here at Edgar Street.

Help is required to work alongside current staff at Edgar Street to help organise, run and promote numerous events.

An open meeting is planned for 7:30pm on Thursday 24th April in the Starlite Rooms to discuss ideas and to get a number of projects off the ground and running. 

The meeting will be chaired by Bulls fan Justin Ratcliffe who is a CEO, Business Mentor and Chartered Marketer amongst other roles. 

No experience is needed to join the working group, but you'll need to be full of enthusiasm and ideas and be able to commit time to the cause. 

Anyone interested in joining the working group is asked to attend the open meeting on Thursday 24th April.